Beating the bushes of gainful employment to no avail, many job hopefuls turn, in wisdom and desperation, to professional resume writers. The insightful questions, golden phrases, and writing samples offered by the writers speak of professionalism as well as genuine hope to those dispossessed of their jobs. Yet, when presented with the fee for a […]
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Job Hunting Tip: Use the Summer Season to Leverage Your Employment Opportunities
Summertime and the living is easy; that is, unless you happen to be unemployed and searching for a job. In that case, you are tortured and your level of anxiety grows daily. In job hunting and recruiting circles, it has long been axiomatic that the periods between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day and between Memorial […]
Hot Jobs in 2009: Prepare Yourself for a Career in Dental Hygiene
Proper care of the oral cavity positively impacts virtually every other system in the human body. Conversely, neglect of one’s gums can lead to medical conditions more serious than tooth loss and as grave as cardiovascular disease. Thanks to the education provided by dentists, many patients are not only aware of the significance of good […]
Reinventing Your Career: Buying-Purchasing Professionals and Product Development Specialists
If this recession were an alien monster from a B-grade ’50s film, job seekers would be hard pressed to locate a superhero that could zap the fiend out of existence.  With this down-spiraling economy impacting virtually every industry, including those traditionally deemed recession proof, employees are scrambling to reinvent themselves. Reinvention, however, does not necessarily […]
Make Your Dream Job a Reality
Carpe diem is a Latin expression translating as “seize the day.” The phrase became a part of pop culture as a result of the 1989 motion picture, “Dead Poet’s Society,” in which Robin Williams, playing the role of a teacher, utilizes the expression as a slogan to motivate his students to explore life and all […]
Keys to Interviewing Success: Presentation, Presentation!
You have secured the interview and are now preparing to meet your prospective employer face to face. Obviously, your resume and cover letter have done the job of opening the door for you; you have probably forwarded them to the hiring manager via email or fax, or perhaps she had perused your qualifications on an […]