“It’s good to learn a trade.” Given the general state of today’s economy, this old truism appears to have been fairly sound advice. The mechanical systems supporting the operation of commercial facilities, school buildings, governmental structures, and residences as well as the edifices themselves, will, sooner or later, require maintenance.  While the recession has impacted […]
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Making Lemonade, Chapter Five: What If I Did Not Meet My Employer’s Expectations?
In times of economic prosperity, such as the post World War II “Baby Boom” years, companies seeking to hire new talent took much at face value. While it was necessary for job candidates to complete applications, and perhaps less necessary in those more stable times to present a resume, the potential employer was more apt […]
Does Your Resume Need an Extreme Makeover?
Is your telephone ringing? Is your email Inbox presenting you with genuine job opportunities (no, not offers for “work at home” jobs or various “get rich” schemes)? Are you scheduling interviews? If you’ve answered “No” to these questions, understand that employers are saying “No” to your resume and cover letter, and that it is time for […]
The Interview from Hell
We’ve all had them, those hellish days when we’ve wished we had never tumbled out of bed. Interviewers have those days as well.  Constrained by business ethics to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism, the fact remains that those who must interview prospective employees often deal, simultaneously, with larger issues. When these personal matters spill […]
Making Lemonade, Chapter Four: Transferring Your Skills
You’re still toting that bushel of lemons; in the wake of your termination, you are praying that someone will part with that vital recipe for making lemonade. Taking stock of your strategy-to-date, you convince yourself that you have done everything right. You have prepared, or have had a professional service prepare, a truthful yet compelling […]
High School Student Resumes
One might assume that high school students could simply fill out applications when seeking employment. While most companies do require the completion of an application in accordance with their business policies, a document that cut and dried will do little to open doors for young people competing in an ever-dwindling job market. By contrast, well-prepared […]