“Fifty-seven channels, and there’s nothin’ on.” (Bruce Springsteen) Surely, there are hiring managers who read the fifty or so lines on an applicant’s resume and have a reaction similar to The Boss’s lyric. So often in our thirty-plus years as professional resume writers, we have seen the precious space on a resume eaten up with […]
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Put Your Best Foot Forward
Practitioners of past life regressions often ask their clients, in their relaxed states, to look down at their feet as they embark upon their journeys into prior incarnations. The rationale is that the state and style of one’s footwear will signify a specific period of time as well as one’s general position in life. Although […]
Don’t Let ‘Em See You Sweat
The process of interviewing for a job is akin to auditioning for a coveted position among a reality talent show such as American Idol.  A job applicant competes as one among hundreds, if not thousands, is granted but a few minutes to demonstrate his talents, and faces judges armed with solid job criteria as well […]
The Ostrich and the Chimp
When an animal displays a high level of intelligence and sociability, biologists and nature lovers praise the creature for its almost human qualities. The inference is that human beings possess the most highly evolved brains of all the life forms on Planet Earth. However, there is much that we can learn from the animal kingdom, […]
The Other Secret
There is a concept that holds that the universe contains everything we need, essential to our survival and happiness, and that the universe, in turn, is contained within each one of us. Although a best seller entitled The Secret hinted that this concept is largely unknown, it is actually an ages-old hypothesis with its roots […]
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Too many women bought into the fairy tale that we could have it all. We wanted to believe that we could truly balance a family and a house with well-paying, growth-oriented careers and interesting, extra-curricular pursuits. Now we know that there is no such thing as having it all without sacrifice to our sanity or […]