If it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes one to produce a seamless film, theatrical production, or televised piece. Behind-the-scenes personnel including film editors, lighting technicians, and set designers perform indispensible functions in transforming a story concept into a finished production. In creating resumes to secure employment, these people must be […]
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Good News and Bad News
In an economy as distressed as ours, every iota of positive news is both welcome and fraught with the advice to take it with the proverbial grain of salt. Economists in our nation’s capital have recently released the news that fewer layoffs have occurred in July ’09, since the economy took its worst nosedive last […]
The Perfect Resume
Like the unicorn of mythology, the perfect resume represents an ideal. Much like that horned stallion (or would that be a mare?), it stands as a proud testimony to itself, marrying quiet confidence with strength, and manifesting promises of great things yet to come. And, like the wondrous, legendary beast, the perfect resume exists but […]
Transitioning into a New Work Environment: Attention, Mature Workers! (Part Four)
It’s inevitable. Your co-workers have arranged a little celebration for a colleague and have invited you to join them, after work, in a restaurant not far from the office. Whether it is one of your fellow employee’s birthdays, bridal showers, or a small holiday fete, you have qualms about attending.  You’ve only been on the […]
Transitioning into a New Work Environment: Attention, Mature Workers! (Part Three)
Resist the urge to create a buzz around the workplace by inferring or stating undeniably that you have been wronged, even to just one other person (office gossip spreads like germs at the height of flu season). Trying to coax co-workers into your corner may backfire, particularly if those colleagues respect or genuinely admire your […]
Transitioning into a New Work Environment: Attention, Mature Workers! (Part Two)
Understand that your immediate supervisor may very well be younger than you are, significantly younger. Degreed with a Master’s and perhaps with a PhD in progress, he commands a higher salary and is (on paper anyway) smarter than you. He is possessed of an attitude of superiority and to add insult to injury, is thinner, […]