Earlier this week, a job-hunting article that appeared on Yahoo’s home page caught our attention. Authored by Liz Ryan, listed as a recognized career expert, the article expounded upon inclusion of any of ten of the most frequently used self-descriptive phrases as being one of the deadliest resume sins one can commit. While we agree […]
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The Truth Shall Set You Free
When I was a kid trying to pull the wool over my mother’s eyes, she would invariably fix me with a knowing eye and declare, “The truth always comes out in the end.” Indeed it did; my punishments befitted my fibs. Thankfully I learned a valuable life lesson, one that, unfortunately, went unlearned by many […]
Veterinary Technician Resumes
Traditionally, entry into veterinary school has been nearly as difficult to accomplish as entry into a credentialed M.D. (Medical Doctor) program. Like those seeking to become physicians, many applicants make the choice to study abroad, where the academic requirements are less stringent. What of those unwilling to relocate, yet still burning with the desire to […]
Resumes for Actors and Models
Resumes for models and actors are distinctly different from those prepared for individuals laboring in the business arena. While it is acceptable for applicants in industry to submit two-page resumes if their backgrounds warrant it, the resumes of those who maneuver in front of the camera should be no longer than a single page. In a […]
Job Scams
Translating into “Buyer beware!” – the enduring Latin phrase, “Caveat emptor!” contains a warning for anyone contemplating the purchase of a product or service.  Had the Internet been in use during the Roman Empire, sages would no doubt have coined a phrase to send a similar alert to job seekers. The Internet can be the […]
Basic Resumes: Special Pricing!
The resume is the foundation upon which most job searches are built. For the job seeker, development of an articulate, compelling resume is customarily step one in the process of securing employment or finding a better position. At Objective: Resumes, our mission is to create a resume that will distinguish the individual job candidates from […]