While the responsibilities of all nursing professionals revolve around the assessment and treatment of patients, the duties of operating room nurses are most critical, as invasive procedures equate to greater risks for patients. Operating Room (OR) nurses are ethically bound to provide the highest quality of care for all patients; simultaneously, they are obliged to […]
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Information Technology (IT) Project Manager Resumes
Serving as communications link, organizer, troubleshooter, negotiator, and monitor-facilitator, the IT project manager is the hub around which every major technical installation, conversion, or upgrade revolves. As he is a vital component in the success of such complex undertakings, it is imperative that the IT project manager’s resume conveys his true value to potential employers. […]
Free Samples: Unorthodox Job Search Methods Can Pay Dividends
A company’s push to get a leg up on its competition is akin to running a rather grueling race. With most firms struggling to keep pace with their peers and simply remain in the contest, others lag far behind. Still others focus and go the distance. What drives one business to dash triumphantly through the […]
Resume Formats and Job Hunting Strategies: One Size Does Not Fit All!
As the economy totters on a seesaw weighted heavily on the losing end, job hopefuls continue to flood the market. Armed with current resumes and persuasive cover letters, and pursuing Internet and direct networking techniques that are beginning to bear fruit, many candidates take a false step at that crucial, pre-interview stage. They request that […]
Helper Resumes: Beginning Your Career in a Trade
“It’s good to learn a trade.” Given the general state of today’s economy, this old truism appears to have been fairly sound advice. The mechanical systems supporting the operation of commercial facilities, school buildings, governmental structures, and residences as well as the edifices themselves, will, sooner or later, require maintenance.  While the recession has impacted […]
Making Lemonade, Chapter Five: What If I Did Not Meet My Employer’s Expectations?
In times of economic prosperity, such as the post World War II “Baby Boom” years, companies seeking to hire new talent took much at face value. While it was necessary for job candidates to complete applications, and perhaps less necessary in those more stable times to present a resume, the potential employer was more apt […]