One of life’s brutal realities is the loss of employment. Coming to terms with your layoff or termination is not easy. It is particularly difficult when: your pink slip marks the separation between you and a position that you have worked diligently to achieve; you must leave the corporation to which you have given many […]
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Reinvent Yourself: More Job Hunting Inspirations from Taylor Hicks
Several years before Taylor Hicks was crowned the 2006 American Idol winner at the famed Kodak Theater, it was a much smaller stage that he claimed in his native Birmingham, Alabama. In a venue called The Open Door Cafe, Hicks and his band mates tossed up a mixed salad of classic-bluesy rock and Southern rock, […]
Making Lemonade, Chapter Two: Getting Up Off the Couch Before You Ever Land There
The process of confronting one’s own termination can be rather similar in its phases to the loss of a loved one. This is especially true of employees long embedded in their career with one particular company. The immediacy of disbelief is followed by a sense of betrayal, engendering the next stage, which is anger: itself […]
Resume Writing Tips: Trumpet Your Accomplishments
If your looking to make a career move or find a new job, take a look at these resume writing tips that can help you land the new job that our looking for by having a powerful resume ready.
Video Resumes: Should You Create and Distribute a Video Resume?
Although not widely utilized, job seekers have created and disseminated video resumes for the past twenty-five years. Developed as an attention-getting gimmick, video resumes have not made much headway in the intervening decades. With improvements in technology, however, the video resume is again receiving attention. As a strategy for securing interviews, how do video resumes […]
Making Lemonade, Chapter One: The Return of the Downsized Middle Manager
We’ve all heard the old adage, or perhaps call to arms, about making lemonade when life hands you lemons.  While the expression may seem nothing more than a platitude, it is actually sound, straightforward advice, particularly in terms of certain career decisions and circumstances. Downsizing initiatives, reorganizations, divestitures, jobs transitioning overseas, and smaller companies gobbled […]