My profession as a writer, working for a NJ resume writing service, was heralded by experience encompassing diverse facets of the publishing industry.  As I was being interviewed for my first post-college job, my future boss, who had a wonderful reputation in the field, dashed animatedly around his office, pulling books from crammed shelves, precarious […]
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In the Company of Strangers – Part Two
In our prior article (In the Company of Strangers – Part One), we outlined the unique challenges facing the self-employed entering the untested waters of seeking a job elsewhere.  To wade confidently into this ocean, you will need to apply the very same skills that you applied in establishing your own business!
In the Company of Strangers – Part One
Cast adrift in a fierce and churning sea of competition, how do job seekers who are self-employed grab a toehold in the dwindling pool of jobs? Read on for some thoughts on the plight of the self-employed job seeker.
Don’t Do It!
I got this straight from the horse’s mouth, and I can vouch for its veracity, as this particular horse happens to be someone very close to me. For purposes of confidentiality, I’ll refer to him throughout this caveat as “Jay.” The head of Jay’s department had recently informed him that Corporate had sanctioned an “open req,” […]
So You Think You Don’t Need a Resume
You are not a senior-level executive pulling down a six-figure salary with a resume crafted by a well-known NJ executive resume writing service; in fact, you don’t consider yourself a professional at all. Whether you are an entry level or part-time employee, a courier, a stock clerk, or a retail sales associate seeking seasonal/Christmas employment, […]
Let Us Give Thanks
It is easy to be unhappy with one’s job or lot in life. But, in today’s dismal economic climate, being employed should be a cause for gratitude. The following is a reflection on being thankful for what one has: “On this, the day before our national holiday, a friend of mine will learn whether or […]