Every rational job applicant wants to put his best foot forward with his resume, and this includes the addition of formal awards and honors. But, before you or a resume service writer takes up the valuable limited space on your resume with these, think about what you will include. As God is our witness, we have seen […]
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Resumes for Writers
Just as doctors normally make the worst patients, writers – and even some resume writers – are often ineffective in conveying their own skills and accomplishments on documents intended to create career opportunities. And while core competencies may be apparent, the achievements of writers can appear elusive, at least, on a resume. Unless one is […]
Spruce It Up!
These days there’s dudes gettin facials; Manicured, waxed, and Botox’d With deep spray-on tans And creamy lotion-y hands, You can’t grip a tackle box. With all of these men lining up to get neutered, It’s hip now to be feminized. (Brad Paisley, “I’m Still a Guy”) The gods may be vain, but men are vainer. […]
Capitalizing on Job Boards
As New Jersey’s oldest resume writing service, we have been providing sound, current advice to job seekers for more than thirty years. While most candidates understand the criticality of using the Internet to locate jobs, many fail to employ technology to their best advantage. In order to capitalize on online job sources, we recommend the […]
Where the Jobs are Hiding
A good friend of mine, a powerhouse of a woman, jokes that when one door closes on her, she breaks down another. While we don’t recommend her exact strategy as you seek employment in this dwindling market, we do strongly suggest that you go in through the back door. Statistics compiled from various studies indicate […]
Consider the import and content of a resume. The essence of an applicant’s work history, education, professional training, and other relevant data must be contained within one or two pages. If this seems a daunting task for the applicant or a NJ resume writer, consider the onus placed upon the hiring manager. He or she […]