Job seekers, gird your loins: you are about to learn an ugly truth. As one of thousands vying for the same position, the skills highlighted on your resume are the same skills highlighted on the resumes of your competitors. With so many individuals demonstrating the same core competencies, how do employers select the right person […]
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What’s Your Objective?
Does you resume truly need to open with an Objective? As no two job-applicants share the same exact career goals and work history, this is a question that candidates must answer for themselves. However, here are some solid guidelines.
Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t…or Are You?
Despite the concept of a justice system being a contradiction, the United States has the finest justice system in the world.  It works best when it operates as it was meant to, in protecting law-abiding, hard-working taxpayers from predators of all kinds, including the big boys in Corporate America. Bear this in mind as you […]
An Educated Guess
Often, deciding what to list on your resume in terms of education is to ride the horns of the proverbial dilemma.  Too high an academic level can remove you from the candidate pool as the employer may fear that a.) you will demand an exorbitant salary or b.) usurp him as manager, as his own […]
Table Your Contents
“Fifty-seven channels, and there’s nothin’ on.” (Bruce Springsteen) Surely, there are hiring managers who read the fifty or so lines on an applicant’s resume and have a reaction similar to The Boss’s lyric. So often in our thirty-plus years as professional resume writers, we have seen the precious space on a resume eaten up with […]
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Practitioners of past life regressions often ask their clients, in their relaxed states, to look down at their feet as they embark upon their journeys into prior incarnations. The rationale is that the state and style of one’s footwear will signify a specific period of time as well as one’s general position in life. Although […]