The process of confronting one’s own termination can be rather similar in its phases to the loss of a loved one. This is especially true of employees long embedded in their career with one particular company. The immediacy of disbelief is followed by a sense of betrayal, engendering the next stage, which is anger: itself […]
Life and Career Resources for Single Working Mothers and Other Women in Need
If you are a single mother either gainfully employed or aspiring to reenter the work force, you know that the demands of daily life can be akin to scaling a mountain whose pinnacle seems well out of reach. Juggling the simultaneous and often incompatible needs of job or job search and family while stretching finances […]
Career and Life Challenges of Single Moms
Riddle: When is a woman most like an octopus? Answer:  When the woman is a single mother. Every mother fills multiple, evolving positions that include and are not limited to educator, mentor, coach (literally and figuratively), chauffeur, cook, laundress, seamstress, baker of goods for last-minute school fundraisers, confidante, role model, and disciplinarian. Carrying these responsibilities […]