You are not a senior-level executive pulling down a six-figure salary with a resume crafted by a well-known NJ executive resume writing service; in fact, you don’t consider yourself a professional at all. Whether you are an entry level or part-time employee, a courier, a stock clerk, or a retail sales associate seeking seasonal/Christmas employment, […]
Brand Yourself
Turn on the TV, flip open a magazine, click on an Internet site, and prepare to be bombarded with brands. By establishing images and messages that uniquely identify them to consumers, manufacturers and providers of services build brand recognition. This recognition is vital to selling their wares to the widest possible markets. Take a valuable […]
Blogging for Jobs: Ch-ch-changes in the World of Job Hunting
Has it crossed your mind to wonder why contemporary legends David Bowie and Madonna are still holding their own quite nicely against their much younger, hipper musical counterparts? Hint: both the Thin White Duke and the Material Girl are savvy business people as well as artists. To retain their competitive edge in an industry that […]
By Any Other Name
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” wrote Shakespeare, but remember, the Bard lived in a world more than four centuries ago. In today’s cutthroat job search arena, the presentation of your name could very well be the make or break factor in securing employment. Employers confronting thousands of resumes do not […]
Capitalizing on Job Boards
As New Jersey’s oldest resume writing service, we have been providing sound, current advice to job seekers for more than thirty years. While most candidates understand the criticality of using the Internet to locate jobs, many fail to employ technology to their best advantage. In order to capitalize on online job sources, we recommend the […]
Where the Jobs are Hiding
A good friend of mine, a powerhouse of a woman, jokes that when one door closes on her, she breaks down another. While we don’t recommend her exact strategy as you seek employment in this dwindling market, we do strongly suggest that you go in through the back door. Statistics compiled from various studies indicate […]