Resumes for models and actors are distinctly different from those prepared for individuals laboring in the business arena. While it is acceptable for applicants in industry to submit two-page resumes if their backgrounds warrant it, the resumes of those who maneuver in front of the camera should be no longer than a single page. In a […]
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Job Scams
Translating into “Buyer beware!” – the enduring Latin phrase, “Caveat emptor!” contains a warning for anyone contemplating the purchase of a product or service.  Had the Internet been in use during the Roman Empire, sages would no doubt have coined a phrase to send a similar alert to job seekers. The Internet can be the […]
Importance of Keywords in a Resume
In days gone by, most job seekers began their resumes with a targeted objective. As industry evolved and candidates acquired broader skill sets, summaries of qualifications or professional profiles replaced the objectives. With technology providing recruiters and managers with a strategic and accelerated means of evaluating future employees, keywords now play a critical role in […]
Addressing Lack of Educational Credentials on a Resume
One of the unpleasant facts of life for job hunters is employers’ propensity for hiring candidates with the highest possible level of education. Â If you are searching for a job, the only instance in which higher education will work against you is if you are competing for a lower-level, lower-paying position; in that case, a […]
Resumes for Retirees
While the title of this article may appear to be a dichotomy, it actually contains sound advice for employees who had once assumed that they would retire in their ’60’s. Our decomposing economy has wrecked a double havoc upon would-be retirees. Rising costs of goods and services, compounded by dwindling nest egg investments, are forcing […]
How to Survive a Layoff
Unemployed as a result of the sinking economy, you find yourself suddenly transformed from a productive member of the workforce to a statistic. The loss of your livelihood engenders fears concerning your finances, diminishes your confidence, and ships your mind off on a tide of self-pity. While you are entitled to experience these normal reactions […]