Job seekers today can find themselves in the same predicament as the seven blind men asked to describe the elephant. Touching the beast’s trunk, the first man exclaimed, “The elephant is shaped like a snake!” Exploring the elephant’s leg, the second man argued, “No, the animal is like a tree.” As the lack of consensus […]
Military Transition Resumes – How to Write a Military Transition Resume
Members of the armed forces about to be discharged or recently separated from the service face unique challenges in preparing military transition resumes designed to create opportunities in the private business sector.  Responsibilities associated with military service positions are very closely defined. Furthermore, the actual positions often have no counterparts in industry. How, then, does […]
Sales Resume – Keys to Writing an Effective Sales Resume
When targeting a sales position, the first step in the job seeker’s mission must be that of writing a sales resume. A resume for sales can be configured to target a specific industry or a broad range of industries. With the former, the candidate must infuse the material with terminology and/or acronyms that demonstrate his/her […]
Federal Resumes: Creating an Effective Resume for Government Employment
With jobs in the private sector considerably less plentiful than in healthier economic times, job seekers are searching alternative avenues of employment. A major avenue for such job seekers is the federal government with opportunities accessed via submission of resumes for government positions, also termed resumes for federal employment. Although offering a broad range of career paths […]
Resume References: The Impact of a Reference Page on Your Job Campaign
When posing the question, “Must I include a reference page on a resume?” you will want to consider the current job market, the state of the world in general, and the fierce competition that you confront in your job search. After the tragic events of 9/11, employers became more attentive in verifying the data contained […]
Resume Maker
What is a resume maker? The answer is two-fold. As a software application released several years ago, Resume Maker appeared to offer salvation to job seekers with no notion of how to present themselves to potential employers. Providing a fundamental template or layout into which job candidates typed their most basic information, the software was […]