The process of interviewing for a job is akin to auditioning for a coveted position among a reality talent show such as American Idol.  A job applicant competes as one among hundreds, if not thousands, is granted but a few minutes to demonstrate his talents, and faces judges armed with solid job criteria as well as personal preferences.  Knowing that your livelihood may ride upon how you perform during an interview, if you are a job candidate, we urge you to prepare well for this critical screening process.
Our most important advice revolves around the time-honored lyrics of The Rolling Stones: “Time is on my side.”  In readying yourself for an interview, ensure that time is on your side!  Have your suit dry cleaned and hanging fresh in your closet at least several days before sitting down with the hiring manager. We have all heard of or experienced incidents in which a heretofore-reliable dry cleaning service has given a customer the wrong garment, a garment that is not always returned to its proper owner.
Review your resume the day before the interview, not in the reception area of the company as you count down the minutes before the interrogation. If you have followed our recommendations outlined in previous articles, your resume reflects not only your skills but also genuine accomplishments. As you peruse your employment history, envision the questions you may be asked, and form honest, supportable answers. Plan to be interviewed by more than one person, so bring multiple copies of your resume. Forewarned, as the saying goes, is forearmed.
Using an Internet mapping application or your GPS system, chart your route to and from the interview.  Understand that the site’s or your GPS system’s directions may not be 100% accurate.  A day or two before the interview, drive to your destination.  If the company is in a large industrial complex, you may need extra time to locate your potential employer.  Road construction will cause delays and possible detours. Allow time for these; avoid unpleasant surprises. Should the road to the company be unobstructed on the day of your test run, don’t assume that it will be clear sailing the day of your interview. Accidents occur, and commuter buses break down.  It is far better to be early for an interview and wait in your car, if need be, than to be tardy. Latecomers are viewed as poor planners, and poor planners rarely ace interviews.
Before you leave your house or apartment, eat something light and healthy; a growling stomach is distracting to the employer and embarrassing for you. The day before, as well as the day of, the interview, avoid ingesting foods containing onions and/or garlic. Body chemistry varies from person to person, and some of us retain the odors of these sulfurous offenders for a full twenty-four hours after eating, toothpaste and mouthwash notwithstanding! Coffee also contributes to bad breath, as does most sugar-based foods. If you are a smoker, avoid cigarettes; the unpleasant smell of smoke will cling to your hair and clothing. In addition, smokers are perceived as greater health risks than non-smokers, particularly to companies that still offer health benefits.
Candidates of both sexes who sport body art should cover their tattoos. Ladies, if you have visible body piercings, remove all jewelry on and around the face other than a single, tasteful pair of earrings. Gentlemen, forego rings and studs, period. If this caveat puts your nose out of joint, remember that the interview is your time to shine professionally as a potential team member, not display your uniqueness as The Illustrated Man or one of his close relatives. Â
Once you have arrived early for the interview, use your time wisely.  Visit the restroom so as to be comfortable as you speak with the hiring manager. Take a long look in the mirror to double check your grooming.  Smile at yourself (seriously) and mentally recite six good things about yourself. Make three of them career-related and the remaining three about your overall character. Bring a positive outlook with you into the interview and the manager will sense that.  Look him or her in the eye, smile, give a confident (not crippling) handshake, and prepare to wow your future employer.Â
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